Boundary Survey

A formal definition of the edges of a property, often focusing on the corners of a piece of land. It is typically determined and mapped using geographical information systems (GIS) and is considered before buying, dividing, improving, or building on land. Parcel boundaries are important for various reasons, including resolving disputes and making business, legal, and government decisions.

A boundary survey is a formal process used to establish the boundaries of a property, focusing on defining its corners and indicating any easements or encroachments. It is typically commissioned before buying, dividing, improving, or building on land. The survey is conducted by a professional land surveyor, who measures, marks, and maps the boundary lines of the property, and then creates a drawing that includes details such as monuments and any limitations imposed on the property by state or local regulations.

  • Lot dimensions are determined by the deed, subdivision plats, and survey drawings, which show the exact lines of the property.
  • You have the option to include any permanent changes to the property, such as houses, sheds, garages, and pools, made by previous owners in a boundary survey. This means that the survey will not only define the boundaries of the property but also identify and map out these improvements to the land.
  • The surveyor is required to include easements on the drawing based on the information in the title commitment. This means that the easements, along with their correct locations and any other relevant details, should be accurately depicted on the survey drawing.

Boundary Survey Process

  1. Each corner of the property is located and verified or reestablished
  2. The surveyor will put a marker at each corner. The marker is usually a rebar with an cap.
  3. Surveyors may also put down wooden stakes with pink flags near the corners with labels to help them locate the property corners.
  4. The individual who has requested the survey has the option to decide whether they want permanent structures such as homes, buildings, sheds, pools, fences, or other improvements to be included in the boundary drawing.
  5. All potential encroachments will be noted.

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(478) 272-3013

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